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lunatic asylum 瘋人院,精神病院〔現在常稱 mental home 或 ...

lunatic fringe

Bibi had left the retarded fat cat on lantau island due to a traffic accident . fat cat then started his wandering life on the island and made some friends there . one day , bibi saw fat cat on the tv and decided t find him , however , fat cat refused to go back with bibi , this led to a fight and fat cat ended up in a lunatic asylum . . 肥貓為一弱智成年人,因意外跟被派往照顧他的社署職員bibi失散肥貓于離島流浪,并跟老者與james結成好友后因bibi發現肥貓下落而欲往把他接回,肥貓因不愿離開而反抗,不幸撞傷頭部而變成白癡

The sokolniky plain was deserted . only at one end of it , by the alms - house and lunatic asylum , there were groups of people in white garments , and similar persons were wandering about the plain , shouting and gesticulating 只是在它的盡頭,在養老院和瘋人院旁邊,見到一堆堆穿白衣衫的人,其中有幾人單個地在田野上走著,一邊吼叫,一邊揮動胳膊。

When lord berners returned , many years later , to visit his old school , he was astonished to observe nothing but smiling faces … only to learn that it was a school no more that the building was a lunatic asylum 伯納公爵多年后回來訪問他的母校時,他吃驚地看到人們全是笑臉… ,后來才知道那已經不再是學校了,已經改成了一所精神病醫院。

The honeymoon over , i learned my mistake ; she was only mad , and shut up in a lunatic asylum 但蜜月一過,我便發現自己搞錯了。她不過是瘋了,被關在瘋人院里。

“ to make a lunatic asylum of it , similar to that founded by the count of pisani at palermo “他要辦一所精神病院,象庇沙尼男爵在巴勒莫所辦的那所一樣。

“ if that is the case , i warn you , i shall have you put in a lunatic asylum . “假如真是如此,我可得先警告你,我會把你關進瘋人院里去的。

Sounds like a lunatic asylum “這世界象是個瘋人院。 ”

Old lunatic asylum chinese block eastern street methadone clinic 前華人精神病院(東邊街美沙酮診所)